How far do the Jewish scriptures support the view that God created humanity for a purpose?

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How far do the Jewish scriptures support the view that God created humanity for a purpose?

At the very beginning of the Bible in Genesis where we read the creation stories, written by the Priestly and by the Jahwist.  The  Priestly who wrote the first creation story tell us of how God made the world in seven days and how he was all powerful.  The second creation story, written by the Jahwist, tells us of God making man and then woman. These stories may seem different but their message is the same, Gods reason for creating humanity was for us to look after and protect the Earth.

In the creation story we see God as the sole creator of the world, he made the world exactly how he wanted it and so it was perfect.  When God made the world, everything he made was good he did not make a single thing in it, which was bad, and therefore he made man perfect as well.  At the beginning of creation man was perfect but through free choice given to us by God many people turned away and that was the beginning of The Fall.  Humanity was set apart from everything else that God created, this was because God had a special relationship with us and so human beings were made protector of everything on the Earth.

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Another issue raised by the creation story is whether God put us on the Earth to rule over all of the plants and animals or whether it was to help cultivate and protect.  Gen 1:26 ‘Then God said, ‘And now we will make human beings...They will have power over the fish, the birds and all animals domestic and wild’.  Another quote, Gen 2:15 says ‘Then the Lord placed the man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it.’  These two quotations seem to contradict each other as one says we are here to guard and the ...

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