How far do you consider these views to be justified?

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Gurleen Chaggar                

How far do you consider these views to be justified?

Prescriptivism can be justified to some degree, as it provides universal rules for people to abide by. The strengths of prescriptivism are the universal principles available to people. The universal principles encourage people to follow one’s desires or needs, because the prescriptive values promote not only the person, but also others around them.  In addition, people expect their moral statements to have some influence on others.

        However, Ethical Naturalism would dispute that ethical statements are more consistent, as it offers a current and methodical attitude on ethics, rather than stating universal prescriptions that aren’t accurate claims. Some philosophers argue that there isn’t a applicable reason for following one’s opinion as everyone’s’ inclinations are unlike. This raises questions as to how a person would know whether their principles were right or wrong and what they would believe to be ethically true or false. Furthermore, by examining Ethical naturalism, some theorists believe that ethical statements are more consistent. This may be because verification can be supplied to sustain the claims made, whereas prescriptive statements cannot be verified by techniques such as science. Therefore, some may be guided to judge that prescriptivism is a less believable theory and subsequently not justified.

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Emotivists would justify these views as it agrees to everyone’s judgements to be equally suitable and taken into account, which endorses freedom of action between them. Emotivism will not tell someone how to live a moral life, but simply helps us understand moral statements: as action guiding and as conveying certain attitudes. Furthermore these views have enforced philosophers to take into account and study the importance of ethical statements in a more in-depth approach. This has, without hesitation, justified the ideology of which the emotive theory is centred upon.

However, Moore, an intuitionist reviewer, disagrees with emotivist views on ...

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