How Warlike Were The Sioux?

Like all of the plains Indians, the Sioux tribe needed to be skilled and equipped if they should go into war or battle.  Individual warriors took part in warfare for many reasons e.g. stealing horses, claiming sacred land etc, so the Sioux can never be considered to be totally unwarlike.

The Sioux warriors were well armed.  They fought with many weapons, all of which were made by themselves from any natural materials they could find.  They used lances to fight with which were made to be 4 to 5 metres long and had a polished steel blade.  They were often decorated with beadwork, buffalo fur and feathers.  They also used shields, which were to protect the body, and these were made from the skin of the buffalo’s neck hardened by steam, smoke and buffalo hoof glue.  They were arrow proof and would be decorated with magical symbols such as powerful animals that would protect the warrior.  Bows and arrows was the most frequently used weapon by the Sioux.  The bow would be made of reinforced wood and the bowstring from twisted buffalo sinew.  Up to 20 arrows could be carried in quills, which were decorated with quillwork.

The rifle was a prized possession among warriors.  Travellers and settlers introduced them to the Plains Indians from the East.  It was obtained by trading and during fights with non-Indians and other nations.  The coup stick was a weapon used only by the Plains Indians.  The Indians did not believe it right to kill others and in so small fights with other nations.  Instead they saw it as far greater to touch each other with the coup stick with the coup stick and if touched, the warrior would drop out of the fight.  The only time the Sioux killed their enemies in battle was against their traditional enemies such as the Crow and Pawnee.  They also killed the Whites who threatened their land.  It was considered far braver to touch an enemy rather than kill.  The Sioux would also use other simple weapons such as knives and clubs when fighting.

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The Sioux warriors used several offensive weapons that could cause terrible injury and death.  This conveys the impression that the Sioux were very warlike.  However, they often didn’t use this artillery to kill, and instead touched them with the coup stick.  This act is not warlike, as it doesn’t harm their opponents. I think that the Indians carried weapons more for self-defence and to look belligerent than to use them.

Individual Sioux warriors took part in warfare for a number of reasons.  By fighting they could gain personal glory and could prove their bravery.  Through this, this might ...

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