Hunsbury Hillfort

Question 4

I deem it possible that Hunsbury Hillfort was used as religious grounds or as a storage area for most of the hillforts in the area. This is because the area is not large enough to be a habitat for a substantial amount of people, unless it was made smaller by the people that were quarrying in the area for iron. Also, the hillfort is situated relatively central to the surrounding hillforts, indicating that it could be a central base for tribal meetings, religious ceremonies, regional contests, storage for the whole county (because it is large enough for that), or as a last resort for defences. This would have been in case the rest of the hillforts fail, and then they could have retreated to this hillfort to save themselves and their possessions from pillagers and wars.

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        Source 5 shows that Hunsbury hillfort is situated lower than the rest of the hillforts. Consequently, this backs up the theory that it could be for meetings, as a last defence resort, storage, or contests. As it is lower than the rest, it could not have been used for religious ceremonies, because they would want to be near their gods to make sacrifices, and to offer gifts to them.

        Source 6 shows that Hunsbury hillfort is very far away from most of the farmsteads or rural settlements compared to where the rest of the hillforts are. This disproves the thought ...

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