I lived in Warsaw during the Holocaust

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Holocaust Coursework

I lived in Warsaw, in Poland, so was one of the first few to experience the Nazi war machine. They reached my city, the capital, after just 6 days of war. My Jewish friends and I hadn't time to take this all in before we discovered that 'our kind' was being hunted out. So, of course eventually my friends & I were herded into ghettos like sheep. In this situation, we were isolated from the outside world; there were high walls on all sides of this small "village", with only a large, Nazi-controlled gate being our means of getting supplies in and rubbish out. It was so cramped; sometimes half-a-dozen families had to live within one small house. Due to such un-hygienic conditions, disease spread like wildfire, with people coming down with water-borne diseases left right and centre.

My family & I lived like this for about a year before the death squads first appeared. They would come into our ghetto, and many others, just to plough through our people with their machine guns. At the time, I thought & hoped that this would be the worst sight I would ever have to witness; I should have known that the Nazis were capable of far worse.

The first sign of such worse things came when the cattle trucks arrived, along with the promise that we were going to a better place. We happily packed our belongings and were herded onto these trucks. Our baggage didn't come with us though; the Nazis' took it promising we would get it back - a promise never fulfilled. This greatly pained me to learn this, as everything of sentimental value to me was in my small suitcase. This had been repeated though with the rest of my family and everyone else on this truck.

I was in that truck for what seemed years, but must've only been a mere week. I was one of the lucky ones, as I was in a corner. This allowed me to create a crude hammock with my jumper & some string I found in my pocket. From this place of power, I could reach for snow off the top of the truck, which was our only source of food in there. Thanks to this gift, I managed to keep my parents & younger sister healthy enough to make it through this awful trip. Unfortunately, this was more than could be said for 1/3 of the people who started the journey.

When we got out, I saw it, the thing of which nightmares are made, & for me remain whenever I lay my head down to sleep; acres & acres, which I can now safely say was worse than anything else which could possibly exist on this planet: the concentration camp at Auschwitz.
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Upon arrival everyone was herded into one of two lines. This was the last time I ever saw my sister & mother. My father & I were put into the left line, meaning I could get a couple of months of hard labour on very few rations before inevitably dying. Unfortunately, my mother & sister went into the other line: instant death.

The camp was very difficult for me, and everyone else, not least because we were forced to do hard labour, and was half-starved; we were so bad that within a matter of weeks I, for ...

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