In the 1920’S and 1930’S There Were Several Forms of Discrimination In the United States. Explain why there was this discrimination.

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Mayur Mistry 11JC

History Work


In America, during the 1920’s and1920’s there were many forms of discrimination. There were four main groups of people who were discriminated against. These people were the black Americans, immigrants, the working class and the women. The discrimination varied in different areas and at different times. In America the worst affected people were the black population of America.

During the 1920’s in the southern states of America, like Louisiana and Texas, where there were many low-skilled agricultural jobs. Black people were given these jobs because they were seen as cheap labour, through the great depression. When white Americans saw them taking their jobs and money, some of them joined the KKK (Ku Klux Klan), a white supremacy group. Black people also had laws, (Jim Crow Laws). These were designed to segregate black people from white and also to deny them civil rights such as voting, worthwhile education and decent jobs. This affected them because they many of the black people of America would’ve lived in poverty, and some may have been homeless. Also with a permanent address they would not have been allowed to vote. Also by not being able to get a good job many black people would be poor. The KKK also discriminated against the black people, by using many different methods and in many forms. Some of these were verbal abuse, parades, beatings and lynching people. The members of the KKK were white people who hated black people. There were also some other forms of discrimination which took place in courts rooms, this was because many of the members of the jury were KKK members and so were the judges and other people. This gave the black people an unfair disadvantage and also they there would’ve been a biased opinion in the jury. This also affected them because the black people weren’t given a chance and most of them probably got convicted for a crime that they didn’t do, and this probably would ruin there lives. In the northern states of America life for the black people was different but still was difficult. They still lived in poverty. They also lived in low-income housing worse than the white peoples, yet they still paid a higher rent then them. This was another form of discrimination, which they suffered. This would have affected them because some of the black people were often poor and paying higher rents would have been hard for them. But some black people did succeed, as they got into higher education (though not as good as the white people) and became famous and rich. Some became lawyers and some became doctors etc. also because jazz music was popular some black people excelled in that line of work. In the 1930’s some things changed for the black people, but it was still quite bad. Things that improved for them were, for example, all shops in the south side belt had black employees, which meant that there would have been work for the unemployed people. Also the UNIA (United Negro Improvement Association) was setup and it helped black people start businesses such as groceries and laundries.

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Even though things were still bad through the 1930’s they did improve for the black people, showing them that they had hope. Though most of the black people had done nothing wrong.

Life for the immigrants in America was pretty bad as they also suffered discrimination. They suffered discrimination from the government rather people in America. They thought that the immigrants only came to their country to spread their ideals (communism and anarchy, communism being against the American way) and also to cause chaos. This affected them because the government wanted to have stricter rules and laws ...

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