In this coursework piece I am going to look at Wealth and poverty from a religious angle and all the issues that surround it.

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In this coursework piece I am going to look at Wealth and poverty from a religious angle and all the issues that surround it. I will talk about the work done to relieve poverty by a religious charity and I will look into world development. I am also going to argue, in detail, a statement given to me and I am going to draw a conclusion from my work.

Teachings on Wealth and Poverty

Christians believe that wealth is something, which can be used for good or evil, and so in itself is not a bad thing. Christians are taught that they should only gain money in lawful and honest ways and when they have wealth it is a gift from god not theirs alone. According to the New Testament our riches must be used for the help of others especially those poorer than themselves.

Christians believe that all humans are equal in the eyes of god and that all the good things of the earth have been given to us by god to use to help each other. ‘People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all evil,’ (timothy 6:9-10). It is meant by this quote that Christians don’t believe that money and wealth are evil; they believe that the feelings that such as greed that come from wealth are evil. It also tells Christians that to love money is evil, and that you should not devote your life to making yourself rich or wealthy. Many biblical teachings show that if you have the wrong attitude to money wealth can lead you away from god, ‘You cannot serve both god and money,’ (Matthew 6:24), and it is meant by this statement that if you are devoted to your wealth then you cannot be a true Christian because you aren’t a good person.

Jesus once told a parable that is now commonly known as ‘The sheep and the goats’. It explains how god will judge people at the end of their lives and split them into good and evil in the same way that a farmer would split his livestock into sheep and goats. Jesus says to the good people, ‘When I was hungry you fed me, when I was naked you clothed me and when I was sick or in prison you visited me, when you did it for the least of my brothers you did it for me.’ It is believed by most Christians that by helping others less fortunate than yourselves you are doing good in the eyes of god and you will be rewarded. Other people will be punished if they didn’t use their wealth or prosperity to help others.

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Islam teaches that wealth is something given by god for the benefit of humanity and therefore is something to be shared. For some strict Muslims sharing your wealth is not a matter of choice, it is something commanded in the religious pillar of Zakah, there are five pillars in Islam which instruct Muslims on how to live their lives Zakah is just one of them. In Arabic Zakah means purification and many Muslims believe that giving Zakah purifies the money that thy have left, so that no harm can come from it. Muslims pay Zakah annually on a basis ...

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