"In what ways does the Resurrection of Jesus affect a Christians actions in worship and everyday life?"

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Peter Abel

The Resurrection – Influence

“In what ways does the Resurrection of Jesus affect a Christians actions in worship and everyday life?”

The resurrection affects a Christian’s actions in everyday life in many ways. Christians believe that death is not the end, therefore they help dying people in the form of hospices. The hospice movement is aimed at seeking the best quality of life for patients with terminal illnesses. They are also aimed a caring for the family, before and after the patient has died, and providing a dignified way of death. However, the hospices are not aimed at curing patients, only caring and helping to, ‘Live until you die.’ Liz Gamlen works in a hospice, and she believes that they can show, “How we can deal with death and distress, and that most people beyond cure should not be abandoned.”

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        The people of Lisburn used their Church building to show their belief in the resurrection, because after a bomb shattered pieces of glass in the stained glass window, they used the shards of glass to create a new window representing the resurrection. They did this because Christians believe that even when something is destroyed, something new can be created from the ruins.

The resurrection effects funeral services, because they can be more cheerful than other funeral services, because death is only ‘passing into life,’ and also, ‘Death has lost its sting.’ For example, in the case of John, who wrote ...

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