Is a knower's personal point of view an asset or an obstacle to be overcome in his pursuit of knowledge?

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Is a knower’s personal point of view an asset or an obstacle to be overcome in his pursuit of knowledge?

People have positions from which something is observed or considered, which can be influenced by previous experiences and beliefs, culture, and mostly emotion. Our schema is based on this viewpoint and is influenced by the above factors. Reasoning is affected by emotion, one of the most prominent problems of knowledge. An irresponsible knower will take one point of view and dismiss other proof. Emotion can both enhance and undermine reasoning as a way of knowing.

If a knower believed a problem of knowledge to be true, he would spend all his time and effort in proving it. The knower will be so preoccupied in debating his belief and believing that it is true that he won’t consider other proof or the debater’s view. When emotions are involved in beliefs, the beliefs are most likely biased and reasoning is curtailed. Reasoning will be enhanced because of the emotion aspect.

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Beliefs affect us in our every day life.  They affect our actions, our interactions with people, and even our eating habits.  If we believe that it is important to eat well then we are not going to eat cookies for lunch, instead we would try to eat something healthy, such as a sandwich or fruit.  If we believe that the ozone layer is deteriorating because of the pollution from cars, we might walk or ride a bicycle to work instead of driving.  We know also that people have different ideas about what is important and what should be a top ...

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