Sociology Coursework: Is Britain losing its Faith?


For my contents section of my Coursework I carried out primary research consisting of questionnaires (I couldn't do interviews for a lack of available and suitable interviewees).  Unfortunately out of the ten I sent out I only got four back.  But even though I only got four back it is quite revealing what they say.  Enclosed with this writing is a blank copy of my questionnaire and the questionnaires I got back.  Because of this lack of interviewees and low response rate I have had to rely on quite a lot of secondary resources.  Also enclosed are the results of some Internet research on church attendance.  All the figures seem to point to a steady decline in church attendance.  For example the figures for 1952-1968 on sheet A show that a steady decline has been going on for a while:

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You can clearly see the drop in regular church attendance.  Based on my primary research I think that this is a continuing trend.  In my primary research I was given reasons such as that religious leaders are quote "Woolly and do not give positive ideas" other reasons stated were that the idea of "a want society/must have society" leaving little time for religion.  All respondents were of Christian faith or none at all and all stated that one reason for low Church attendance was that church is seen as boring in most traditional Anglican churches.  The respondents to my questionnaires ...

This is a preview of the whole essay