Is there a convincing solution to the problem of evil?

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Charles Babalola                                                                                                      

Is there a convincing solution to the problem of evil?

        For many years philosophers and critics have been arguing over the problem of evil and suffering and how it relates to God. So many philosophers who have come up with their own theodicy have argued the reasons they believe that it exists.

There are two different types of evil, which are known as natural and moral evil. Natural evil is when an error of the earths natural system occurs and nothing can be done to prevent it in most cases. An example of natural evil is the Tsunami that recently occurred in South Asia, taking more than 150,000 lives, while also leaving millions homeless in South Asia. This is. Moral evil is the other. This is when Actions that bring about unnecessary suffering in the world as a direct result of human activity occur such as 9/11 is a good example of this because so many innocent people lost their lives for no good reason and it took a deep toll on the world.


        Classical theism is basically the idea that God is the all-powerful creator of the universe. But there are dilemmas that can be seen from this. If god created the universe out of nothing, he is solely responsible for the actions taking place, so why does God let evil spread through the earth he created and if God omniscient he has unlimited knowledge so why didn’t create the world without flaws if he knew evil would develop?

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The whole problem of evil and suffering is that it causes so much pain to many humans and religious people start to question why god allows it. An example is the fact that so many people in third world countries suffer almost every day of their lives due to poverty caused mainly by third world debt. Also many starve and need aid for diseases that are easily treatable in first world countries but harder in these countries due to the lack of doctors and hospital equipment.  


There are 4 different solutions to the question and they are ...

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