Is there such thing as'violence aesthetic'? If so does it justify the increased violence of modern films?

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Media Studies

Is there such thing as’violence aesthetic’? If so does it justify the increased violence of modern films?

Violence aesthetic is a sub-genre of cult films. Violence aesthetic justifies violent films on the grounds that it’s a work of art. This is a controversial and a debateable issue as it ignores the effects it has on the audience. It does not take into consideration that it may corrupt its audience as it elevates violence by claiming it’s a work of art. This raises many censorship issues, as they assume a passive audience, however to watch a violence aesthetic film you must be an active audience.

Modern films have been questioned to whether they have become more violent though it is not the films that have become more violent; the reality is technology has inflated, films have become more graphic. Violence hasn’t changed; the quality of violence has increased.

People have also become more tolerable to films due to desensitisation and inoculation theory. People’s endurances have changed, for example war films have become more accepted as it is reflecting the present era thus audience are not only more tolerable, but expect to see more violence in the violence genre.

Violence aesthetic is a justification of the violence displayed in films. The argument is that violence aesthetic films are artistic and beautiful to watch therefore the violence is not there to corrupt its audience but to provide a work of art. Violence is also seen as essential in order to add realism to the film and its genre. For example Reservoir Dogs is a gangster film therefore will most certainly contain violence to add to the verisimilitude of the film.

Moreover the film Pulp Fiction relies on violence to show the characters lives are meaningless, helping the audience to identify the characters. If the violence in Pulp Fiction was removed the audience would admire the characters lifestyles, for example if Vincent’s character had not been blown off in the toilet we would admire his character however his death was not honourable and portrayed his character to be meaningless. The sophisticated style in these films backs up the argument of violence aesthetics. For instance Clockwork Orange is a very high art form. The film is very artistic therefore is able to portray violence without worrying about censorship as it is a work of art. Scenes of violence are backed up by classical music by Beethoven, illustrating further that it’s an artistic form.

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People who believe in violence aesthetic have criticised that there is not enough evidence for the inoculation and the desensitisation theory, and that the evidence does not support these accusations. These theories are considered as simplistic interpretations. Violence aesthetic contradicts these theories and assumes an active audience, whilst these theories claim they view to a passive audience. Thinking of the viewing process as an interactive one requires a shift of focus away from medium and message towards people as viewers. It demands that we see them as active participants in the making of the meaning. Meaning becomes the product ...

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