Jesus and the Authorities.

As Jesus' popularity grew, the political and religious authorities began to fear him. They knew he could easily organize his followers and start a rebellion against their authority. Spies were sent to watch Jesus and report his every activity.

Jesus was preaching at a time when the slightest hint of a rebellion could result in immediate death by the command of the puppet king, Herod. Herod ruled Judea for the Roman's. If there was an uprising in Judea then the Roman Governor would find out and Herod's life could be at risk. Herod didn't want to up set the Roman Governor by any means. For this reason if there was the slightest stir in the Jewish Kingdom the problem had to be found and stopped immediately. This happened with John the Baptist who was beheaded by Herod, for his largely political opposition.

Herod knew that Jesus had power. This was evident by the crowds that gathered frequently to watch Jesus preach and heal. These crowds are mentioned frequently throughout the gospel of Luke, chapter 5 verses 1 and 15, 6 verses 17 and 9 verses 11. The fact that one man from the small town of Galilee could cause such a stir, sounded alarm bells in Herod's head.

Jesus frequently broke the traditional Jewish laws. He forgave people, 'worked' on the Sabbath, and healed the sinners. It is evident from the first mentions by Luke of a young Jesus visiting "the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers." These are certainly unusual actions for a boy of 12 but this surely show that from an early age Jesus was very aware of the political and religious issues in his country.
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Jesus wasn't the type of person to let his views go unheard. He frequently used stories, or parables to illustrate his point. The political rulers were constantly trying to trip him up. By using clever stories he could express his point. The rulers of the time must of found this extremely irritating, that one man could have so much control of the people. Jesus often said exactly what he thought. His views were to the point and often said in moments of rage. "Outwardly you all look respectable, but inwardly your thoughts are evil" These types of comments ...

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