Let's Give murderers What they Deserve - the Death penalty.Explain the arguments for and against, and where the views of your chosen religion fit in.

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Religion and Criminal Justice

Lets Give murderers What they Deserve - the Death penalty. Explain the arguments for and against, and where the views of your chosen religion fit in. 

‘Whosoever sheds man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed’

Genesis 9:6 

     There are many arguments both for and against capital punishment. Some people argue for capital punishment, and often quote the verse above. Others argue against it, and say things like ‘What if an innocent person is killed?’, which has happened a number of times.

     I do believe that society should be kept safe, and murderers should be given what they deserve - the death penalty, but only if there is conclusive evidence that the suspect did actually commit the murder.

     Even though I hold this belief, most other Christians would disagree with me, and say that prisoners should be given a chance to reform. However, I think that if someone has committed a crime serious enough to warrant being put to death, they probably will already be so ‘hardened’, that they wouldn’t be able to reform.

     In addition to the above, the following verse from the bible supports capital punishment:

‘Anyone who hits a person and kills him must be put to death.’

Exodus  21:12

     The bible is ambiguous when it come to capital punishment. Some parts speak out in favour of it, and others against it, which is why so many Christians have so many different views.    

Ex New York senator James Donovan once spoke out in favour of capital punishment, and said: “Where would Christianity be if Jesus got eight to fifteen years off for good behaviour?” The reply was to a Christian Internet forum, and it went “Barbarians. That's what we have become. We kill each other and instead of mourning the tragedy we want the state to satisfy our bloodlust by killing the offender...we must learn to deal with these people in our midst - punish them, but do not become them.”    

     Many people say that capital punishment is very good as a deterrent effect, but there is no conclusive evidence that this is true. A study showed that adjacent states in America, one having the death penalty, the other not, showed no significant long-term difference in their murder rates (99% of people on death row are there for murder). Also, states that abolished the death penalty, but then reintroduced it showed no change in the murder rate. Thirdly, following executions, there was no change in the murder rate around the city where the execution took place.

     Many anti-capital punishment protesters say there is a lot of racism when it comes to sentencing people to death i.e.. a black person is more likely to be sentenced than a white person. However, I think the graph below proves this wrong:

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     I think this graph proves the racism element completely wrong, and racism is one of opponents key points against the death penalty.

     Many opponents of the death penalty believe that if two acts have the same result, then they are morally equivalent. However, you can then say are kidnapping and legal incarceration the same? Or maybe killing in self defence is the same as murder - both end in the death of a person. Or how about rape and making love - both may end with sexual intercourse. These are obviously absurd. Capital ...

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