Samantha Bone 12CMF

Marriage and Divorce Rates,

Outline and assess the reasons for the increase in the divorce rate.

    There are many reasons why the divorce rate has increased due to society changing, over the last fifty years.

    Firstly one of the most important one of these is the changes in laws, new laws have been introduced which have resulted in it becoming a lot easier for couples to get divorced. The most powerful law which coincidentally is a recent law is; The Divorce Reform Act of 1969; this involved a major change in the grounds for divorce. People could now get divorced without having to prove adultery or domestic violence, they could just divorce if things weren’t working or they were unhappy. This law didn’t actually start working until 1971 as it took a period of time to be enforced. This had a huge affect on the divorce rates, as now many unhappy married couples were now able to divorce much easier than before, without having to prove adultery or violence. The Matrimonial Family Proceedings Act of 1985 is also another new law which affected the rate of divorce, this allowed people to get divorced after being married for only one year, whereas before in 1985 married couples had to wait at least three years before they could get divorce. This act increased divorces as people split up on a faster rate if they had problems in their relationship and didn’t give their marriage a second or longer chance.

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    Another reason for divorce rates increasing is because getting divorced is now socially acceptable, due to the current fact that so many people  in society are divorcing and it has also become socially accepted. It has been accepted in society and even seen as a ‘normal’ thing to do, as a result of the Divorce Reform Act. Many children are now growing up in single one parent families because of a divorce in their nuclear family. Rodgers and Pryor (1998) think divorce has a major affect on children and that they suffer poverty, psychological and behavioural problems, there standard ...

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