Marriage ceremony Islam

In Islam, Muslims are encouraged to marry and very few stay single. Also in Islam, when a man and a woman get married, a wedding ceremony takes places on the wedding day.  In Islam it is usual for the wedding day to consist of two parts – the nikah and the walimah.  .  The nikah in Islam ceremony in are the legal binding of the couple and often take place in the religious place of worship – the Mosque in Islam.    However, some Islam Nikah ceremonies take place in the home, as they believe that God is everywhere- tawhid.  The walimah in Islam they have a more personal element, the walimah takes place the next day or up to three days after the nikah.  

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The nikah ceremony tends to be simple in the Mosque, as Prophet Muhammad considered simple weddings the best weddings, “The best wedding is that upon which the least trouble and expense is bestowed” (Mishkat).  

In Islam, if it is an arranged marriage, often the bride and bridegroom have not met.  

During the nikah it is usual for an Imam to be present and during.  However, an Imam does not have to be present as long as there are two male witnesses. During the nikah it is usual for a party of men including the bridegroom to be ...

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