Marriage In Christianity

        Before marriage in Christianity most Christians believe that being in a relationship is to get to know each other and see if they are strong enough as partners to get married and to continue the teachings of christianity to their Children. Christians believe that within a relationship sex is forbidded until marriage but some christians believe that if the couple both love each other them its OK.  

        Christians beleive that marriage is really a life long committment. Christians say this because marriage wes created by God and that God made this to symbolise the relationship between Jesus Christ and the Holy Church. christians beleive that is part of Gods plan for humanity.

There are different ways in which Christians get married, the most common method is getting married at church. Wedding customs in Christianity vary according to  the famillies culture, race or ancestors. The reason they beleive that marriage should be for life is that it the best envioroment for the family to have children.

        In marriages the bride and groom  would get married at the church with either sides family at the wedding to witness the marriage. The bride would usually wear white to symbolise purity and would be accompanied by maybe bridesmaids who would hold her long dress and throw confetti around her and the groom would werar black. The bride and groom would make vows and promises to comfort and to love eachother through and through health and to never part eachother till death.

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        In Christian marriage men and women are thought to have different roles in their relationship within the family. God says that men and women are equally valuable to God, but they were created for different reasons and purposes. In the book of Genesis it says that Adam was created first and Eve was created later because God beleived that its not good for man to be alone as he needs a companion. '' It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.'' (Genesis 2:18). This is why some Christians

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