Miracles.There are hundreds of claimed miracles, but certainly the most significant was Christs miracles as described in the Gospel where Jesus performs signs

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Edward Cohen

1)         A miracle can be explained in many ways and has evolved as an idea throughout the ages, many have tried to define it but often there are weak points that can be picked up on. However there are some essential facts for example a miracle is an event that cannot be explained by natural laws alone. It is something that is abnormal in our experience of nature and every day lives. Miracles are the direct sign that God still pays a significant part in the world as we know it and he cares for the creation he made and that he actually exists.

There are hundreds of claimed miracles, but certainly the most significant was Christ’s miracles as described in the Gospel where Jesus performs signs (the word miracle is not mentioned in the New Testament). The most famous of these miracles is Christ walking on water, there are many different theories of the significance of these, some say they were to prove to the world he was indeed the son of God. Others feel his miracles are proof that God, thousands of years after creation still acts on this earth. The Old Testament is also home to various miracles, the Ten Plagues for instance.  

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Hume in ‘An enquiry concerning human understanding’ sought to find the definition, and indeed reason for a miracle. He felt that the philosophical concept of a miracle is seen as an interruption to the processes of nature that cannot be explained through natural laws. To sum up it is a freak of nature, with spiritual value. 

Swinburne would argue that one instance of breaking the laws of nature does not constitute the rethinking of the laws itself. For example when God turns the River Nile into blood as one of His plagues, this should be accepted as a ...

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