Most Christians of today have many mixed views about life. All Christians believe that God is the giver of life.

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Anne Marie Kinkuhaire Najjemba 11/3



Most Christians of today have many mixed views about life.  All Christians believe that God is the giver of life. This view is taken from the book of Genesis 1:26-27 that tells us that God made man from His own image. This makes man a very special creature to God. Life is a gift from God and there are all sorts of different rules regarding life in the Bible. Christians also believe God values human life greatly. To support this view, God said in the Ten Commandments, “Thou shalt not kill.” God forbids the taking of life and Christians know this but they all have different understands of what this phrase means.

When we talk of the 'sanctity of life' we mean that life is not to be treated badly or discarded thoughtlessly.  

The beginning of human life is referred to many times in the bible. Many Christians believe that human life begins in the womb. This makes even unborn babies people themselves. In the book of Luke in the New Testament, there is full proof that this belief should be upheld. It tells about the time Mary the mother of Jesus went to visit her cousin Elizabeth when she got to learn of her cousin’s pregnancy.  As soon as Mary stepped into the house of Zechariahs and Elizabeth the baby that was growing inside of Elizabeth leaped for joy. Ecclesiastes 11:5 says, “As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.” This tells us a lot that unborn children respond to God just like born children. This suggests responsibility that God plans for us even when we are unborn. The prophet Jeremiah said that he was set apart by God to be a prophet while unborn. This founding sets a basis for Christian belief.

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Just as the beginning of life is important to Christians, so is its ending. Jesus’ death was premeditated, painful and he accepted it willingly. His death paved the way for Christian belief that death is as important as birth. Christians believe in life after death so death is a fresh start and it is Christian responsibility for others at the beginning and end of their lives as life is sacred from start to end.

The Roman Catholic Church has strong views about the sanctity of life in the Humane Vitae, “Human life should be respected and protected ...

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