Muslims, who follow the religion of Islam, are widely discriminated against both here in Australia and through out the world largely as a result of various historical, political and legal occurrences that have given way to accusations and misinformed assu

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Part One:

  1. Outline how the group chosen is discriminated against and the effects of this

discrimination. What is the extent of this prejudice and discrimination?        

Muslims, who follow the religion of Islam, are widely discriminated against both here in Australia and through out the world largely as a result of various historical, political and legal occurrences that have given way to accusations and misinformed assumptions that the Islamic religion is largely based on violence, fanaticism, extremism and terrorism. In Australia, Muslims make up one of the countries most culturally diverse groups and includes over 300 000 followers countrywide.

There are many ways through which Muslims are discriminated against as a result of their religion and beliefs. This includes heinous attacks of vandalism on Islamic places of worship known as Mosques and even the homes of Muslims and there have also been some incidents of arson although this was a relatively isolated incident.

Other instances of discrimination that Muslims in Australia have experienced include harassment – mainly of women – because of their traditional attire, which ranges from the covering of the head to the covering of Muslim females from head to toe; this dress is called a “bourka”. Some Muslim women even reported having head scarves ripped off them and both men and women have reported being spat on, being verbally abused, threatened or/and assaulted etc.

 Harassment in the workplace and schools has also transpired with many Muslims feeling that they are denied equality in the workplace and school with regards to treatment and respect for their rights just because they are Muslims. This type of harassment has also take place on the streets as well, where many Muslims are able to recall incidents where they were on the receiving end of many negative barbs and insults and hostility.

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The physical and emotional effect of these types of examples of discrimination, prejudices and inequalities suffered by Muslims has affected them in various ways. Many Muslims feel their basic human rights are violated as well as physical and emotional anguish caused as a result of the discrimination they face.  Many have felt the need to defend their religion and faith because they feel that it is a way to deter or decrease incidents of discrimination, prejudices and inequalities in Australian society. This ‘defense’ of their religion has been done by Muslims engaging in radio debates, letters and articles to ...

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