'O believers, you must fast so that you may learn self-restraint. Fasting is prescribed for you during a fixed number of days.

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Ikhlas Raja 10s5                                                                               Candidate No: 9297

RE coursework

Dr. Gunn



‘O believers, you must fast so that you may learn self-restraint. Fasting is prescribed for you during a fixed number of days.


(Surah 2:183-4)


Sawm, or fasting, one of the five pillars of Islam. Sawm is the deliberate control of the body by an act of will. During the 29 or 30 days of the Muslim month of Ramadan healthy adult Muslims will go without all the pleasures of the body during all the hours of daylight. The fast begins as the first light of dawn touches the horizon and ends with sunset. Hunger, comfort and sex are the three things, which have to be brought under control.

Nothing must pass the lips (not even chewing-gum, a cigarette, or the smoke of someone else’s cigarette!), and a real conscious effort must be made to make sure no evil deed or thought is committed. If the emotions of the heart or mind, or the behavior of the Muslim are wrong, then the fast will lose its real significance.

Along with salat, another important form of worship is fasting. It is obligatory for each Muslim, apart from some exemptions, to fast in the month of Ramadan. During the hours of fasting, food and drink and sexual relations between husband and wife are forbidden. It is enjoined that during fasting one should pay attention to remembrance of God and study the Holy Quran in abundance. One should try to curtail one's worldly pastimes as much as possible during Ramadan, and to be particularly inclined towards charity and alms giving.

Human life is dependent on food and drink and the continuation of the human race depends on the marital relationship. While fasting one refrains from them both, as if bearing witness to God that for His pleasure man gives up the factors (temporarily) upon which his very existence depends. The various other benefits of fasting are that man gets to exercise sacrificing physical comfort and to endure hunger and thirst. Fasting creates a sense of equality between the rich and the poor. By developing an appreciation of hunger and thirst, it makes the well-off think of the needs of the poor and impresses a feeling of compassion in their hearts. It makes them appreciate, through the practicality of it, the state a human being endures when hungry and thirsty. Ramadan is a most effective and excellent means of spiritual development for mankind.

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If you do not give up telling lies God will have no need of your giving up food and drink’


‘There are many who fast during the day and pray all night, but they gain nothing but hunger and sleeplessness.’





  • To develop self-control and overcome selfishness, greed and laziness
  • To restrain passion and appetite
  • To prepare for any real sufferings that may be faced later
  • To experience hunger, and thus develop sympathy for the poor
  • To gain spiritual strength
  • To experience companionship through shared ‘ordeals’.  

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