Only God has the right to interfere with our genes. Do you agree?

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(b) ‘Only God has the right to interfere with our genes’

This statement is much debated as the development of science increases. The more advanced genetic engineering gets, the more people become aware about how developed it may grow to be. Which brings up the issue highlighted in the above statement, are humans starting to interfere too much with our genes? Should humans be able to clone plants, animals and one day possibly people? Should humans be able cure genetic illnesses? Or is all of this ‘playing God’ and interfering with God’s ‘overall plan’?  

Genetic engineering is “the deliberate modification of the characters of an organism by the manipulation of the genetic material” (Oxford English Dictionary).  Basically changing a living organism by altering its genes. Mostly, at this time, genetic engineering is used to research prevention and cures for genetic diseases such as Huntington’s disease and cystic fybrosis. Recently cloning procedures have been used to grow healthy cells to replace the malfunctioning ones. This process involves creating stem cells either from embryos or from bone marrow or blood. Because of the use of embryos, this form of stem cell research was illegal until February 2001, when new government legislation was passed, because it went against the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act of 1990.

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Some people are against the continuing progress of genetic engineering because there’s almost no information of the long term consequences. Due to the fact that the processes used are relatively new there is no way of telling if they will have any significant repercussions, for example, on any patient’s children or children’s children.  

Most people, who have hesitations about genetic engineering, including Christians and Muslims, are worried about the development and manufacture of a ‘perfect person’. Many believe that God created each person individually and therefore humans should not interfere with God’s work. This could be classed as ‘playing ...

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