Poverty in Turkey

Poverty and inequality in Turkey are associated mostly to education and employment standing. Inflation does not emerge to have had a enduring distributional collision. Income disparities crossways district and communal groups are broad and unrelenting.

        On the whole, Labor market position and educational achievement are two powerful forces of inequality in Turkey, all accounting for about a area of pragmatic income inequality during early nineties. Thus, any analysis of income inequality has to center on the features that engender disparities in labor incomes.

        More than TL 1.5 billion ($910) per month is needed for an average four-member family to live a decent life. The poverty line for a Turkish family of four rose to TL 1.3 billion ($790) in February, according to a survey revealed by Turkey’s leading labour confederation, the Turkish Confederation of Labor Unions (Turk-Is) [].

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        Monthly income for an average low-income family varies between TL 200 million ($ 20) and TL 500 million ($300). Almost half, or 48 percent, of Turkey’s population belongs to this low-income category while their share of the national income is only 32.5 percent.

        Uneven allocation of education is often observed as a foremost provider to inequality in labor markets with a key issue in the intergenerational diffusion of inequality. The association linking education as well as wages is one of the greatest recognized dealings in economics and education strategies have the prospective to reduce existing inequalities. Education figures for ...

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