Mother 0-40 weeks

4-5 weeks

This is about the time that you will miss your first period but you may not realize you’re pregnant.

6-7 weeks

You may feel more tiered than ever or you may vomit or not even feel any of these. A test will confirm you’re pregnant.

8-9 weeks

There is a rapid rise in the production of hormones from the placenta and ovary to adapt for pregnancy, so you may feel nauseous. Your wombs sufficiently large for a doctor to confirm that you are pregnant, by internal examination.

10 weeks

You may start to notice that you are putting on weight and your bones; breasts in particular may be getting heavier. Buy a good support bra.

12 weeks

You have now missed two periods and have no doubts that you are pregnant. You may notice increased skin pigmentation in various parts of your body, and a brown line may appear up the middle of your stomach. You may still be nauseous and vomiting.

16 weeks

This is the stage of pregnancy that may test for normality is carried out and you may have another ultrasound scan. All morning sickness will normally have disappeared as you enter the stage that most women look their best. Your pregnancy may start to show although if you start to have good abdomen muscles and on the small side.

Your tighter clothes will start to not fit you now.

20 weeks

If this is your first pregnancy you will probably feel the baby for the first time. You may get a fluttering sensation as your pregnancy progresses, these movements become definite kicks and you will be able to tell whether the elbow/bottom or foot is doing the kicking. Tell your midwife or gp when you first feel a movement.

24 weeks

Your abdomen in getting large as time is passing and you may start to develop stretch marks. A doctor may be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat ask to listen.

The increasing size and weight of your womb will also affect your posture, and you will throw back your shoulders and stick your bottom in and relax if you take regular exercise this helps. This is the time your shoes need to be comfortable because you are gaining weight and try to spend time with your feet up.

26 weeks

Your heart and lungs are now doing 50% more work than they did before you were pregnant make sure that your eating well.

28 weeks

You will probably start having antenatal appointments every two weeks from now on. This is the earliest which you can begin your maternity leave, if you work consider when you might want to stop working you must give 21 days notice, make sure you are getting plenty of sleep and enough rest.

30 weeks

Most babies have now turned head down in the womb and are likely to stay here. The upward pressure on your abdomen may take more time and more difficultly to breathe properly. If you have other children make arrangements now for their care even if you have a home birth, and it’s best prepared incase something goes wrong.

34 weeks

Kicks and punches will now be very clear. If you have stopped work spend time relaxing, read a book, go for a walk, rest. Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep and eat well.

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36 weeks

The pressure of the head on you bladder may make you want to urinate frequently including at night so that getting a good nights sleep may be difficult. Try to catch up during the day. From now on your antenatal appointments will be every week. Pack your bag for hospital and keep important phone numbers handy. Make sure you can always contact your partner if you need him. You may feel quite strong contractions of you abdomen know as braxton hicks’ contractions, they occur through pregnancy.

40 Weeks

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