Extended Essay: Prejudice and Discrimination


        One example of gender discrimination would be with women in Christianity. Women have traditionally, in Christianity, been seen as inferior to men. Eve was said to be the temptress to Adam in the second Genesis story and was also created as a partner to Adam from one of his ribs, which automatically shows that women come from men, and so in a way men are better. Other Christians, such as St Augustine, even felt that women used their sexuality to distract men from God, which was obviously a sexist idea. These old fashioned ideas even resulted in; women having their human status questioned (at the Council of Macon in 564), the spiritual separation of the sexes in monasteries and convents and in women not being allowed ordination or to take authority in worship. This is a clear act of gender discrimination against women, as they are not being allowed the important and religious job of being a Priest. Though attitudes have changed in recent years, with the Church of England allowing women to be ordained in 1992, the Roman Catholics and Orthodox Churches still do not allow the ordination of women, though some Protestant traditions now have some female ministers.

        There is a great deal of opposition generally to female priests from both men and women. Some men feel that traditional status and authority would be eroded or compromised by a women becoming equal, which is obviously wrong as men and women are supposed to be equal and so whether one can become a priest or not, should not concern on what gender they are as men are not necessarily better at being priests then women, as there may be a brilliant and hard-working woman who would become a great priest, but just because of old traditions, she would not be allowed to teach, unless she were to change what she believed in.


        One of the worst acts of religious discrimination ever, was the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a terrible act of Anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is one of the oldest, most pernicious and prevalent forms of racism which still exists and is even increasing in many areas of the world; recognizing the dehumanization, persecution and genocide of Jews in the Holocaust. The holocaust involved the prejudice and discrimination against, and persecution of, the Jews as an ethnic group. Historically anti- Semitism has been practised for almost 2,000 years by European Christians, but Anti-Semitism, as a part of Nazi policy, and in the Holocaust 1933-45, which was an appalling act of prejudice and discrimination, about 6 million Jews died in concentration camps and in local extermination programmes, just because of their religion and what they believed in. Anti- Semitism is a form of racism. It regards the Jews as inferior, and less than human. Nazis regarded the Jews as ‘vermin’ and believed they were damaging their society and consequently, tried to rid the earth of Jews forever, so as to ‘cleanse the human race and make it into a super race’, by brutally torturing and killing the Jews in the worst ways possible, again, just because of religion.

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        One well-known religious believer that worked to et rid of racism was Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King was a Christian, Black, man who made one of the most significant changes to the rights of Blacks. He had great courage and passion to defeat segregation and racism that existed in the United States and it was his influence to all the Blacks to defy white supremacy and his belief in non-violence that lead to the success of the Civil Rights movement.                                                

        Martin Luther King campaigned endlessly to change the way that black people were treated in America. They were ...

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