Rmeligious Studies Coursework

Religion and Equality

A) Describe the teachings of the religion which you are studying about discrimination and prejudice and how people should be treated.

B) Explain how followers of this religion may put these teachings into practice

C) ‘Everyone is equal and must be treated exactly the same’        Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer and show that you have thought about different points of view. You must refer to the religion that you have been studying in your answer.

Russell Wing

Describe the teachings of the religion which you are studying about discrimination and prejudice and how people should be treated.

Christianity looks at many different issues which are still topics today. Particularly teachings about a very modern day problem involving prejudice and discrimination. Prejudice is a judgement made against someone before the person is known. This is only thinking these thoughts and not putting these into action. Discrimination is the actual action of putting prejudices into action. This is acting on your prejudice. This is one of the most common problems nowadays.

There are several types of discrimination. Ageism is where people are discriminated against on the ground of age. Sexism is where people are discriminated on the ground of their sex or sexuality. Racism is where people are discriminated against on the grounds of skin colour, origin or religion. Weightism is where people are discriminated against on the grounds of weight. These are types of discrimination. They each target a minority of society.  Christians are undecided on this. There are two creation stories. One is of Adam and Eve and the other is of the 7 day creation.

To prevent these types of discrimination there are now several laws which prevent the discrimination. These cannot prevent prejudice however. There is the race relations act 1976; this prevents racism in employment, housing, education, selling goods, services and facilities. There is also the amendment act 200. This strengthened the race relations act. The equal pay act 1975.This made employers to pay females the same if they were doing the same or similar jobs. The sex discrimination act 1975 meant that for jobs employers were not allowed to advertise for a single audience. Then the disability act 1995. This prevented employers from not employing people because of their disabilities.

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In regards of all discrimination Jesus tell the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37), it tells how a Jewish man is left nearly dead by someone who has beat him up. A priest then passes on the other side of the road and leaves the man, a Levite then does the same and finally a third passer by helps the man a shows him to an Inn. This is where the words are quoted ‘love your neighbour as yourself’.

Something else that proves that Christianity tells how we should not discriminate against others is ...

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