Religion and human relationships

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Religion and human relationships

                                                                                                (A) Christian teachings on the sanctity of life in relation to abortion

                                                                                                        In 1967, abortion was made legal under certain circumstances but not everyone agrees with it. There is a difference in opinion to whether its murder or not and throughout history these opinions have changed.

4th CENTURY BCE TO 4th CENTURY CE (Abortion = Murder):

4th TO 17th CENTURY CE (Abortion is, then is not, then is, then is not murder):

17th TO 19th CENTURY CE (Abortion becomes murder again):

20th CENTURY CE (Abortion is murder, but only within some Christian denominations):

For Christians there is sometimes a difference in opinion depending on the group of Christians they are from. This is probably because the bible does not state anything about abortion specifically as it is a modern ethical issue that has come about through advances in medical technology which allow doctors to safely abort a foetus. However there are moral principles in the bible that are relevant to abortion, and how you interpret these principles leads to your view on abortion. Attitudes towards unborn babies and life in general are relevant to the issue of abortion. Most relevant passages prompt Christians to reject abortion in all circumstances, but Christians also have a hard choice to make when choosing whether their teachings should be applied to the baby or the mother.

The bible states that every unborn baby is part of goods plan. Each child is chosen by god and has been given a purpose and meaning to be born. So in the case of abortion, this process goes against gods plan.

Ps 139:16 16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

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“…to that child god says ,I have called you by your name ,I have carved you in the palm of my hand: you are mine.”-Mother Teresa (Roman Catholic nun)

Jer 1:5 5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

In the Catholic Church abortion is seen as a type of murder because they believe human life begins at conception. They say life is a gift from god. Catholics believe that the sixth commandment “you must not commit murder”, says ...

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