Religious studies - Wealth and Poverty

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Judith Ochiana 10-2        R.S. coursework, First draft        10/05/2007


Wealth and Poverty

Ai. Outline the Christian teaching, and the teaching of one other religion on wealth and poverty.

All religions worldwide have different views and arguments on wealth and poverty, even within Christianity. Most Churches themselves are full of wealth, such as The Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church. Many Christians also have personal fortunes. In fact there are even some churches that preach that the more wealth you have the more loved you will be by God, this is very common especially in. Yet there have always been Christians who have chosen to live in poverty in some of the poorest parts of the world. They believe that this is right, because even Jesus led a pure and simple life within poverty. This is also shown in the Bible when Jesus said;

“It is much harder for a rich person to enter

The Kingdom of God than for a camel

To go through the eye of a needle.”

….Mark 10.25

        All Christians believe that the world and everything in it has been created by God, so nothing in the world is evil itself. So money id neither good nor bad, what does matter is what we use it for, and how we share it. If Christians are unsure that what they are doing is right, they turn to the Bible for help. There they will find that Jesus lived in a world, which some people were very rich and other were extremely poor. Jesus announces at the beginning of his ministry that he had been sent by God to preach good news to the poor, (Luke 4.18). These exemplar events include when Jesus spoke to the rich young man who wanted to know how he could enter God’s kingdom, he told him that e must sell his possessions first.

        The Bible also teaches Christians to help the poor. This is shown by the fact that Jesus always looked after them and cared for them, he often told his followers that when they feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the criminal in prison and help the sick they are doing it as an act of kindness towards God, and he will love them for it. (Matthew 25.31-46). Jesus always compared himself to those people who are less powerful. The parable of the sheep and goats encourages Christians to see Christ in all people. It also explains why people like Mother Teresa, and Mary Slessor spent their lives working in Africa and India amongst those who were ill and unable to afford medicine and among those who had nothing to live for.

        The Bible also teaches that no human need should be ignored. In the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10.25-37) it tells us that no decent human being should be able to pass by on the other side when they see somebody else who is in need. We should all help fellow humans, friend or enemy, fellow countryman or foreigner.

"Like dear St. Francis of Assisi I am wedded to poverty,

but in my case the marriage is not a success."  

All Christians believe that we all share a responsibility to care for the poor, for some this has meant living as the poor live and sharing their emotional struggle. Some have followed to example of St. Francis of Assisi, who gave away everything he had. Nowadays you can do this by becoming a nun, monk or a friar. This is known as the Vow of poverty. But not all Christians are forced to live along such rules, but to give according to their own means. They should give their charity to the poor secretly, not shout and show off about it (Matthew 6.2-4). A Catechism of the Catholic Church says;

“God blesses those who come to the aid of the

Poor and rebukes those who turn away from

them… love for the poor is incompatible with

Immoderate use of riches or their selfish use.”

Christians living in wealthy societies are encouraged and taught not to succumb to the many temptations that making and spending money brings. And also to think with compassion and love about the needs of those whoa re denied life’s basic amenities and essentials. Any way, if everyone followed their religious teaching and if there was no greed or selfishness in the world then there would not be any poverty, and we would all be able to live in a society where we share together as brother and sister. All following the Golden Rule “Treat others as you want to be treated”. This is part of the Ten Commandments.

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        In Hinduism their belief is quite different, one of their 4 main aims in Hindu life is to pursue wealth. This must not however be allowed to dominate someone’s life.  This is mostly because Hinduism is a main religion in poorer countries such as India where the whole family depends on how much money the working person earns. This is called the ‘householder’ phase. Their holy book, the Upanishads, teaches Hindus to earn money in a righteous way. During the Hindu festival of Divali, Hindu businessmen pray to Lakschmi, the goddess of wealth for her blessing on them and their ...

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