Role of Fate

           Fate, as defined, is an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future. Fate exists in everybody’s life.  It is just like an inescapable flow of a river. But, this inescapable flow of river does have many rivulets (sub-rivers) opening. The rivulet we choose is our free will. However, whatever the consequence, it is fate. Fate plays a very distinct and vital role in ‘The House of the Spirits’ by Isabel Allende and ‘The Chronicles of a Death Foretold’ by Gabriel García Marquez.

          On the first insight into the ‘The House of the Spirits,’ it clearly shows that the characters are suffering from the twists and turns of fate which is the result of their own actions while in the murder mystery of Gabriel García Marquez, ‘The Chronicles of a Death Foretold’ the whole town needs to be blamed for the Santiago’s murder. However a much deeper insight connects both these novels to the theme of fate.

         In ‘The House of the Spirits’, Clara is able to predict future on account of her clairvoyance. However, though her clairvoyance makes it possible for her to be   omniscient to some extent she follows her fate as she sees it. For eg. She announces to marry Esteban without love because she had seen it in her future. Also, Clara prepares for her own death. Clara has a free will to change both of these but she simply accepts it i.e., accepts her fate and acts in the same away. Plancida Linero in the ‘Chronicles of a Death Foretold’, on the other hand is an expert in the interpretation of dreams fails to realize the omen in her son’s dreams. Here a supposition exists with enough assurance that if Plancida had realized the omen in her son’s dreams she would have not let him go out of the house or probably Santiago would have left the house armed and maybe then Santiago would not have been murdered. Both the cases though completely different, points to the fact that things will happen only in one way. Clara hence does follow her fate while in Plancida’s case it is her fate that she was unable to realize the omen in her son’s dream.

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            The comment by the narrator in ‘The Chronicles of a Death Foretold’ “the cock of dawn would catch us trying to give order to the chain of many chance events that had made absurdity possible, and it was obvious that we weren’t doing it from an urge to clear up mysteries but because none of us could go on living with out the exact knowledge of the place and mission assigned to us by fate” points that the whole town is guilty about Santiago’s murder as they feel part of it. Calling it fate ...

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