Stanley Cohen is an example of a sociologist who has conducted research in order to investigate the effects which the media may have on young people.

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Evidence: Many people consider the media to be a very manipulative organisation that has the power to influence our perceptions of social reality. Stanley Cohen is an example of a sociologist who has conducted research in order to investigate the effects which the media may have on young people.

In 1972, Cohen released the results of his research in the book titled Folk Devils and Moral Panics. His study took place during the 1960's, focusing on the emergence of two rival gangs known as the Mods and the Rockers. During the 60's these groups attracted huge amounts of media attention for their violent confrontations, mainly occurring on British seaside resorts during bank holidays.

Cohen believed that the media exaggerated various aspects of these confrontations. The media fabricated many of the factors involved such as the seriousness of the events, the numbers of people involved in them and the amounts and types of violence used. According to Cohen the emotive language used in such reports illustrated the fact that the information contained within them may not be completely truthful. It was also apparent that the media, by using the concept known as ‘pre-publicity’, was able to anticipate the confrontations before they happened. Cohen thought this to be caused by the awareness which the media had created about the Mods and Rockers. The reports essentially encouraged people who wouldn't normally attend such events to go to them and contribute towards the already building disturbance. In a sense, the media was responsible for creating a self-fulfilling prophecy by reporting incidents before they happened and then contributing to the event when it finally took place.

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Through exaggerated and sensationalized reporting of the conflict between the gangs, Cohen believed, that in addition to increasing public awareness, police awareness would also rise. This would therefore lead to an increased police presence at the sites of the anticipated clashes. From previous examples Cohen deducted that an abundance of police officers would most likely lead to the outbreak of violence - again contributing towards the idea of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Through highlighting the effects of a moral panic, Cohen demonstrates how the media can contribute to violence amongst young people. In this instance the media created a self ...

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