The Amish have a distinctive culture. Do their beliefs and values lead to a better way of life than our own?"

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Amish assessment

"The Amish have a distinctive culture. Do their beliefs and values lead to a

better way of life than our own?"

Did you know that the Amish when they are in a relationship would

bundle? This means to sleep with your clothes on (strange, I know). In

this essay I will be trying to find out if the Amish way of life leads

to a better way of life than our own.

The Amish can trace their religious heritage back to the Swiss

Anabaptists during 16^th century Europe. During this time Europe as a

continent was undergoing a major religious change, which eventually

lead to a change (division) in the church. Before the division in the

church in the 16^th century the Catholic Church was the only Christian

faith practised in Western Europe. One of the reasons for this was

because of the religion of the monarchy at the time. This began to

change when Martin Luther lead a revolt against the Catholic Church

and Henry VIII tried to enforce Protestantism over England, this was

commonly known as the Church of England. The revolt lead by Martin

Luther caused a reformation of the Protestant religion, this caused

Protestantism to be a new branch of Christianity.

Within the Protestant religion there were a group of Swiss Protestant

pastors who were unhappy because they were to much like the original

Catholic Church, especially the continuation of baptising infants. The

reason they disagreed with baptising infants was because they believed

that it was wrong to baptise someone who wasn't mature enough to make

the decision themselves. In 1525 they left the main Protestant groups

and formed the Anabaptists. The Anabaptists would go to people's

houses and rebaptise them. This is where the name Anabaptists comes

from (re-baptisers). The Anabaptist movement spread throughout Europe,

especially in Germany and Holland, but they were persecuted for their


The leader of the Anabaptists in Alsace founded the Amish, his name

was Jacob Amman. The reason the Amish split from the Anabaptists was

because excommunicated members were only cast out of the church, but

Jacob Amman wanted them to be cast out of social life as well. They

split from the Anabaptists in 1693, the Amish were continually

persecuted for their beliefs so they were forced to move to North
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America in search of a new home.

The Amish have a very distinctive culture, this can be seen by looking

at the many different aspects of their culture one of these includes

the way they dress. The Amish retained their dress styles that were

common during the 16^th and 18^th centuries. There has been a gradual

dress change, so that dress varies in religions, but they have not

adopted the dress styles and fashion of American society. The Amish

aim to be plain and their clothing shows this very clearly. The ...

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