'The Bible was written centuries ago. Christians today really cannot use it as a guide for living'- Do you agree? - Show more than one point of view

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3. ‘The Bible was written centuries ago. Christians today really cannot use it as a guide for living’- Do you agree? – Show more than one point of view. (250 -375)

        The source ‘The Bible was written centuries ago. Christians today really cannot use it as a guide for living’ would be agreed by many people in today’s modern society for several reasons, but from a none Christian response, as the Bible is an essential source of information and teachings for Christians (as explained in question one).

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         However, all Christians regardless of what denomination they are regularly use the bible in prayer, worship and meditation and read it everyday. Although there are some more extreme Christian denominations e.g. the Fundamentalists who translate the Bible as the direct word of God, all denominations are guided each day by the Bible, as we can see in the case of abortion (the previous question) and other religious and moral life issues, for example third world issues.

Jesus taught that Christians should help people in need, including the starving, as can be seen in the Bible within ‘The Parable of ...

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