Philosopy of Religion – extended essay


a) What are the key ideas of the design argument for the existence of God?

The design argument argues for regularity, order and purpose in the world and says that these give proof for the existence of God. The argument is teleological, as it deals with end or purpose; inductive, because it draws a general conclusion that may not always fall logically from its premises and is a posteriori, as it is from experience and the empirical evidence of design in the world.

The basic argument in its simplest form states that the universe has order, purpose and regularity and that this complexity within the universe shows evidence of design, such design would imply and designer and therefore the designer of the universe is God.

William Paley presented this design argument in an analogy of a watch and a designer. Paley argued that if you found a stone on the ground you would not have the need to explain its existence with a designer, because it is not intricate or complicated. However, if you inspected a watch, its intricate design with all parts working together would make you assume it had a designer. Similarly, the world with its intricate design would make you assume that it had a designer. He argues that this designer is God. The analogy of the watch works well as just like parts of a watch unite to make it work, so do parts of the universe and just like in the watch the working together suggests a designer rather than chance.

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Similarly David Hume presented an argument for a designer based on an analogy. His analogy was of houses and watches, which he said are clearly produced by human designers. Once again the argument points to a designer, however unlike Paley, David Hume argues that the design in the world points not to an omnipotent, omniscient God, but rather to a “superhuman” designer.

The classical form of the argument was presented by Thomas Aquinas, who took his philosophy from Aristotle. Aquinas argued that everything has a purpose and therefore there must be an intelligent being that directs all things ...

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