The distribution of resources and wealth in the world is unequal. Using a recent example which illustrates this inequality explain what Christian attitudes to this might be, and suggest what Christians might do to support the victims of this situation.

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Carol Bhaskar

CCSE Religious Studies Coursework – Section 2a (effect of Christianity on Behaviour, attitudes and lifestyle. RICH AND POOR.

  1. The distribution of resources and wealth in the world is unequal.  Using a recent example which illustrates this inequality explain what Christian attitudes to this might be, and suggest what Christians might do to support the victims of this situation.        

The world contains enough wealth and resources to supply the global population, starvation and homelessness would cease to exist.  Unfortunately this idealist world is extremely distant from the reality of an unequal planet.  80% of the worlds income is taken by just 25% of its population. Shocking proof of this is the immense contrast between the average yearly income of some of the richest and poorest countries.  An average person in Luxembourg receives $40 000 per year, whereas a comparatively minute income of $63 is all the average citizen of Sudan is likely to earn.  This demonstrates the poverty line between the rich north and poor south.    

A horrifying example of absolute poverty can be found within Afghanistan.  Here crippling droughts have struck the country for two consecutive years while harsh civil war has also affected the situation.  Now food supplies are desperately low, only one third of 1999’s out put of cereal crops is expected to be harvested.  Millions face starvation and thus thousands of refugees  have fled – from the conflict and the lack of food.  Gathered in camps there only source of survival is from aid agencies, and even these can’t cope with the influx of refugees.                                          

Taj Mohammad and his family are some of those fleeing this hopeless situation.  Previously Nomads, they were left with nothing – their grazing land consumed by the drought, their live stock sold without choice.  Now they are forced to go to a refugee camp near Herat, and only hope they can gain access to some nutrition and water supplies.        

Christians would be strongly against this injustice, many of their beliefs state that the suffering of anyone is wrong, and that we should do everything we can to help. Liberation theology is one Christian view on poverty which certainly supports action being taken.

Liberation theology is one Christian attitude to oppression, however it is relevant to poverty as it emphasises the idea of liberation from economic oppression.  This approach reminds people that the bible focuses on helping the poor, and marginalized.  Liberation theologians look back to the Old testament and point out that God listened to the pleading of the Hebrews when they were enslaved in Egypt, and that the prophets (such as Amos and Hosea) were devoted in demanding social justice.  They highlight that Jesus took particular interest and care for the poor and suffering, that Christians should be inspired by God in the bible to battle poverty, exploitation and lack of human rights.  This originated in South America where several priests died for their causes, taking theologian attitudes.  Notably Camilio Torres who said that ‘Revolution is necessary to feed the hungry. Give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked and procure a life of well being for the needy majority.’  He was killed by the Colombian government in 1966.  Not all Christians agree with this attitude though, many feel that it is too entwined in politics and violence is often a result of these beliefs – a very non-Christian action.  

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The Catholic church is based around the Eucharist, which has a strong base of justice.  This is a kind of praising and thanks giving to God. Its a memorial and sacrifice which involves holy communion and attendance of Holy Mass.  The Eucharist is ‘a sacrament of love, a sign of unity , a bond of charity’.  This shows that if we love our neighbours (Christians perceive everyone as their neighbour) then we cannot let them suffer. If united with them then we should at least advocate those in need and help to change their situation.  We should share what ...

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