The following is the standard order of service in a Church of Ireland baptism. It is usually performed during an otherwise ordinary Sunday service.

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RE Baptism Coursework

Part A – Order of Service

The following is the standard order of service in a Church of Ireland baptism.  It is usually performed during an otherwise ordinary Sunday service.

The Introduction is the very first part of the sacrament of baptism.  During this part of the service, the minister asks the parents and Godparents (sponsors) some questions concerning bringing up the child as a Christian.  The questions are:

  • “Will you bring up this child as a Christian within the family of the church?”
  • “Will you help him to be regular in public worship and in private prayer, by your teaching, by your example and by your prayers for him?”
  • “Will you encourage him to come in due course to Confirmation and Holy Communion?”

In response to each of these questions, the sponsors say “We will”

The next part of the service is the Ministry of the Word.  This usually involves two New Testament readings, usually ones concerned with baptism or the special relationship between Jesus and children.  These readings are usually either Romans 6:3-4, Matthew 28:18-19 or Mark 10:13-16.  On some occasions a short sermon follows these readings.

The third part of the baptism service is called the Ministry of the Sacrament, and involves the sponsors confessing their own faith and the actual baptism of the child.  Firstly the sponsors are asked another three questions:

  • “Do you turn to Christ?”
  • “Do you then renounce the Devil and all his works?”
  • “Will you obey and serve Christ?”

to which they answer “I will, by God’s help”.

The minister now blesses the water in the font that will be used in the baptism, and the sponsors are questioned about their own faith and respond by saying the Apostles Creed.  Now the baptism sacrament is carried out.  The minister pours the Holy Water on to the forehead of the baby, saying “>Insert name< I baptise you in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

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The fourth and final part of the baptism service involves prayers.  At this point of the service, the minister carries the child to the front of the church, allowing the entire congregation to see him or her.  The sign of the cross is then made on the child’s head while the minister reads some words which include “I sign you with the sign of the cross, to show that you must not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ”, and that the child should be “ Christ’s faithful soldier and servant until your [the child’s] life’s end”.

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