The important aspects of a Christian ceremony.

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Select and explain. The important aspects of a Christian ceremony.

An important aspect of a Christian marriage is the vows; they are said and should be meant with all their hearts. The vows are;

I, N, take you, N,

To be my wife/husband,

To have and to hold,

From this day forward,

For better, for worse, *

For richer, for poorer, *

In sickness and in health, *

To love and to cherish, *

Till death us do part, *

According to God’s holy law,

And this is my solemn vow.

The vows establish the various commitments made to each other by the bride and groom. They are designed to ensure that the marriage will always be happy and loving and that each partner will always love and support the other, no matter what happens.  Christians believe that marriage is an ever-lasting commitment to each other and to God and is made under his holy law. The vows highlighted above have special meanings as they are spoken by the bride and groom during the ceremony, they are,

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“For better, for worse”- This means that each partner should support the other whether things are going well or not. Life, including marriage, has its ups and downs and this commitment is made recognising that things do not always go well.  Christians believe that when things do not go well this should not be the reason for separation and that by supporting each other things can improve again.

“For richer, for poorer”- This vow recognises that there can be times of hardship as well as good times and that in making this vow support will be given ...

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