The Need For World Development

There is a desperate need for world development because many of the world’s countries are living in poverty.

There are two types of poverty, relative poverty and absolute poverty, the difference being that relative poverty is that experienced by those whose whole income falls considerably below the average for their unique society.

Absolute poverty is that experienced by those who don’t have necessary food supplies to remain healthy.

There are a lot of factors that contribute to world poverty like lack of education, sanitation, and clean water. There are a lot of health issues around the world which are not considered to be a problem but are increasingly looking worrying, diseases are spread and transmitted and there are no cures, people are living in pain and suffering.

There are little or no investments into developing these countries that are living in world poverty. About one billion people are living in poverty, that’s nearly a fifth of the world’s population. Roughly 35,000 people starve to death every day.

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Poverty is caused by many things such as unfair trading conditions, the cycle of debt, exploitation by the western world and big business interest.

There is enough wealth in this world to ensure that every human lives a decent life but this simply is not happening. This world is divided into two the rich ‘north’ and the poor ‘south’. The ‘north’ consists of the following countries: USA, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. The ‘south’ consists of the rest of the worlds countries. This gives you some idea as to how the wealth is distributed across the earth. The ...

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