The Potential of Biological Weapons-Agents of Mass Destruction or Simply of Fear?

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Biology Coursework

The Potential of Biological Weapons-Agents of Mass Destruction or Simply of Fear?

The idea of killing enemies with germs isn’t new. In 1346, the Tartars used crude catapults to launch plague-infested corpses into the Crimean city of Kaffa, in southwest Ukraine. (8) Biological weapons technology started in earnest in 1918 when Japan formed a special section in their military dedicated to the research and development of biological weapons. They believed that "science and technology are the keys to winning war and biological weapons are the most cost effective." Great Britain and the U.S. soon after started a biological weapons program. They shared a fear that the Japanese were getting an unfair advantage. Today, scientists here and abroad tinker with some of the most deadly pathogens known to man.

Biological weapons have the potential to be immensely destructive. In the right environment they can multiply, and so self-perpetuate. And they can naturally mutate, frustrating protective measures. Chemical weapons, for all their horrors, become less lethal as they are dispersed and diluted. But even the tiniest quantities of disease organisms can be lethal. For example, botulinum toxin has been described as 3 million times more potent than the chemical nerve agent sarin. (7)  Biological weapons, in particular, are easy and quick to make. A single disease-producing bacterium can divide every 20 minutes. An aspirin bottle of bacteria could yield a huge arsenal in just a week.

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And these are truly loathsome instruments of war and terror. Anthrax, for instance, takes three excruciating days to destroy the membranes of the lungs and intestines. Botulinum toxin annihilates by slow asphyxiation, as the cells of the victim's breathing muscles die from within. (4)

Even though all countries should have destroyed all their biological weapons after the 1972 treaty banned them the Soviet Union and Iraq developed biological weapons in defiance of the treaty, proving they are easy to hide.  Also other countries (including the USA) still have biological stockpiles to respond to “in kind” if they are attacked by ...

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