The Roman Catholic Church disapproves of divorced Catholics who have remarried receiving Holy Communion. Do you agree or disagree with this position?

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The Roman Catholic Church disapproves of divorced Catholics who have remarried receiving Holy Communion.  Do you agree or disagree with this position?

The Church disapproves of divorced Catholics who have remarried receiving Holy Communion.  They do this because they don’t recognize divorce so in the eyes of the Church divorced couples are still married.  The R.C. Church doesn’t recognize divorce because: -

Vows say till death us do part.  
Devalues the sacrament of marriage.  
Marriage is a sign of the faithful, exclusive and indissoluble relationship in the Trinity.  The love/relationship of the Trinity does not end therefore the sacrament of marriage doesn’t end.  
The Church doesn’t regard marriage as a sin, it is a tragedy.

Personally I agree with the position of the Church because if you marry it should be forever, as marriage is representative of the Trinity, that begin the never ending love that God shares with us, that is way marriage should last forever.  Also the Church doesn’t recognize divorce, so if the couple remarry, in the eyes of the Church they will be committing adultery.  This means that if they continue the relationship, and it is sexual they will be living in sin, which means they can’t receive Holy Communion.  Furthermore adultery shows a lack of respect for God, the Church and the marriage vows, so if you are showing a disrespect for the Church you can’t receive Holy Communion because when you receive it you are saying that you respect the Church and it’s rules, therefore when you break the marriage vows you are showing a disrespect for the Church.  Also when you receive Holy Communion you are accepting the teachings of the Church and Jesus, both of them teach that adultery is a serious sin, and both of them teach against it, they both teach against divorce so committing both of them shows that they don’t respect the teachings therefore can’t receive Holy Communion.  If the priest of a certain parish knows that a certain couple is divorced and remarried and gives them Holy Communion it could cause a scandal within the parish and put the priest and others in a difficult situation.  Also by getting divorced they have made themselves outcasts of the Church because the whole point of Church is taking in Jesus’ body and blood to show that you love him and believe in this teaching and ways, getting divorced and remarried means you can’t do this therefore making you an outcast within the Church.

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However, other people may disagree with me.  They may disagree with me because they may think that no one has the right to judge other, only God has the right to do that, so the priests can’t refuse to give them Holy Communion because even though he represents God and does work spreading his word, he isn’t God, also every one is a sinner so if you judge that they are living in a life of sin so can’t receive Communion, no-one will be able to receive it not even the priest.  The divorced persons may feel like not ...

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