The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Human life is sacred.Explain how this teaching influences its attitude to Abortion and Euthanasia, showing that you understand other points of view.

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  1. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Human life is sacred.

Explain how this teaching influences its attitude to Abortion and Euthanasia, showing that you understand other points of view.

(You should refer to the Bible, to thinking/writing of Christians and Roman Catholic tradition to illustrate and support what you say.)

                                                                (KU2/28 Marks)

  1. “God gives life and only God can take it away.”

Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have considered more than 1 point of view.                                             (E/12 marks)

Write no more than 1400 words on (1)

Write no more than 600 words on (2)

The Roman Catholic Church teaches that life Human is sacred

When a new-born child is brought into the Roman Catholic Church at baptism, it is celebrated by the whole community.  This is the first part of the Church’s teachings that life is sacred and so new life should be celebrated as it is a gift from God to the world.

The Roman Catholic Church teaches that the word “sacred” means something given from God and all things that are considered sacred should be celebrated and treasured.  This thing or person has been set aside by God to do His bidding or be part of His worship.

The first mention that life is sacred from the Bible comes as part of the Ten Commandments “Thou shalt not kill”.  This is the first indication that the Church feels that all life is sacred.  Jesus shortened the Ten Commandments into just two main ones “Love thy Neighbour” and “Love thy God”.  Both of these are an integral part of the Church’s teachings that life is sacred.  “Love thy Neighbour” means that we should respect all human life.

The Catholic Church also teaches “All humans are made in the image of God”.  If we have no respect for other human life then how can we have respect for God?  If we are modelled on the same image as Him, then every time we don’t show the proper respect for our fellow humans then we are not showing the proper respect for God or His work.  This shows that all humans are responsible for the lives of everybody else around us.  The Catholic Church’s teachings are also based on the idea that no man is ever entirely by himself as he has always got the love and respect of at least one human and God.

When the Pope was shot at in the early 1990’s, there were calls for this man to be punished by the death penalty.  The Pope ‘turned the other cheek’ and forgave the man, saving him from the death penalty.  This could be seen as the Pope believing that no crime is so bad that it takes away a man’s life.  This would be a contradiction of the Church’s teachings that life is sacred and so the Church has to take the view that the death penalty is wrong.

The Catholic Church’s views on the sanctity of life affect its views on abortion and in many different ways.  As a rule, it believes that abortion is wrong and many of the leaders and prominent members of the Catholic Church have spoken out against it.  “God has created us to live and to be loved, in his own image, as evidence of this love.  For this reason, I say that the abortion is the greatest evil” (Mother Teresa).

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There are many sections of writings that endorse the view that life is sacred.  The Bible says that man was created in the likeness and image of God.  Therefore, if we destroy human life, we are destroying part of God.  Many of the documents exist which support this view.

“Human life is sacred – all men must recognise that” (The Regulation of Births – Pope Paul VI) is an example of the Catholic Church’s view.  These ideas have many implications.  One is that if all life is sacred then all life is equal.  There should be no prejudice against ...

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