The sacrament of the Eucharist cannot be understood without the knowledge of the Jewish festival of Passover. Jews all across the world celebrate it every year. It is the most important memory of the Jewish people.

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The Passover

The sacrament of the Eucharist cannot be understood without the knowledge of the Jewish festival of Passover. Jews all across the world celebrate it every year. It is the most important memory of the Jewish people.

In the times of the Old Testament, the Jews (the children of Israel) were slaves in Egypt. Moses the called upon by God to go and free his people from the clutches of the Pharaoh who had been keeping the Jews as slaves. The pharaoh did not release the people of Israel until the last plague was over (The death of all the first born of Egypt). The Jewish people were not affected by this plague as they performed a special ceremony that Moses had been informed about by God. They were to slaughter a lamb and sprinkle the blood of the lamb over the doorposts of their houses. This lamb blood meant that it was a Jewish house and the angel of death will Passover the house.

Every year Jewish people celebrate the Passover. During the Passover, the father explains to the youngest son that ‘on this night’ God saved his people from slavery. When saying ‘on this night’ the Jewish family makes an ancient memory real for the present moment. This is important seeing what Jesus did at the last supper.

The Passover meal commemorates the Exodus, the most important part of Jewish history. It tells the story of Moses and how he set the children of Israel free, away from Egypt and out into the Sinai Desert. (Exodus 7:14-15:21)

The word Passover recalls the time when the angel of death passed over the houses of the Israelites on their way to kill the first born of each Egyptian family. (Exodus 12:12)

When the children of Israel were released, they went out to the desert and travelled for a long time without any problems.  One morning, they heard news about an army that the Pharaoh had sent. The Jews went into wet marshy grounds called the Sea of Reeds. All the soldiers that were behind them were trying to catch up. The Israelites crossed the Sea of Reeds finally and the Pharaohs soldiers and horses could not follow as of the marshy grounds and their heavy armour.

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The Last Supper

The “Last Supper” in Mark’s gospel is actually called the “lord’s supper.”

Jesus met with the twelve disciples for the Passover meal. It was a family meal and not just a meal to satisfy hunger.

Jesus then arrived with the disciples. As they got settled, Jesus said an unsettling prophecy.
“I tell you, one of you will betray me- one who is eating with me tonight.” Many of them were in disbelief and upset.
After he had told them this sad prophecy, Jesus then “broke the bread and shared it among his disciples and gave ...

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