The Sunshine Clinic

165 Meadowsweet Drive

Poole, Dorset, BH17 6HH

Phone: 0120 256 7890

Telex: 0120 256 7890

Fax: 0120 256 7890

3 June 2007

Mrs. Mary Jones

123 Creakmoor Drive

Poole, Dorset, BH16 8MD

Dear Mrs. Jones,

Congratulations on becoming a new mother.

After reading the letter that you recently sent to our office I prepared the following list of resources in our community that help you and your partner cope with the new addition to your family.

  • You can look for help from your partner, family, and friends.  They can help with such things as doing the shopping, washing, and helping with the cleaning of the house. They can look after the baby while you have some free time to yourself.
  • Join a Mother and Baby group.  Then you can talk to other mothers that could be feeling the same ways that you are.  Giving you the support that you need as well.
  • Your local social services can also assess you to see if you are in need of extra help.  They maybe able to provide services like, nursery, or a support worker to come to your home.
  • Home – Start is a volunteer organization where a volunteer may be able to visit you at home and give you free practical and emotional help. You can contact them on 0800 068 6368 or on the Internet at
  • Sure Start () can offer help with early education, childcare, and family support.
Join now!

I understand that your family and friends are offering you conflicting advise, but you must sit them down and tell them that you are grateful for their help and advice.  I suggest that you tell them that this is your pregnancy and that every woman has a different experience of pregnancy.

The concerns about how you are going to afford all the things a new baby needs are normal to a new mother.  I would suggest that you have a look in your local newspaper and second hand shops for things such as toys and clothes.  If you are ...

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