This is a three-page paper on the reflections of the story of Abraham and Sarah by Carol Dempsey.

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Abraham and Sarah by Carol Dempsey


This is a three-page paper on the reflections of the story of Abraham and Sarah by Carol Dempsey.

The article 'Abraham and Sarah' by Carol Dempsey, OP, is an explanatory narrative, presenting the author's reflections based on the Biblical version of the coming into the world by both Abraham and his wife Sarah. It explains their worldly pursuits, which are not only a source of lesson for us living in the present generation, but also explain as to the fruitful results of choosing to heed to The Command and Call of God.

Based on the three verses on Abraham and Sarah from the Bible, Dempsey explains the path taken by both, in response to the The Command and Call of God. This is in essence Commanding and Calling every living soul to venture out into the world by leaving all that is familiar, and lead a life with God, and believing in God, allowing the Spirit to lead the way, so that the individual may reap the fruits of life endowed upon him from God. This is exactly what Abraham and Sarah, along with his brother's son Lot accomplish, as they go forth into world. But in dong so, Abraham, Sarah and Lot, also face challenges, obstacles, make choices that may be in contradiction to their normal beliefs, and even reach a limit, which may make them question the very Command and Call of God.  Whatever their course of actions and decisions, one aspect that remains central to the entire process of taking such a journey, as also the core message of the author's article is the truth that if God so chooses to Command his followers to go forth into world, it is He alone Who is ever present, guiding, guarding, and duly rewarding those who accept His Command. In closing her article, Dempsey then opts to present the status quo that each of us, in the present being, have chosen to believe in, instead of following the teachings of Bible, and the path taken by Abraham and Sarah, that made them one of the most loved and respected couples amongst the entire human race in the eyes of God.

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Dempsey in her subject article 'Abraham and Sarah', provides a multitude of aspects that provide an in depth knowledge as well as reasons for our failure as human beings. For example Dempsey notes that all that has made us, the human beings lead lives in a status quo position, is because of our inability to embrace the 'passionate', and 'prophetic lives', as Commanded by God. She notes that instead, we chose to continue and lead our lives by having closed both our minds and our hearts to our brethren, and ultimately to God's Call, to venture out, and experience ...

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