Jef-Vin John Shah                GCSE Religious Studies Coursework



Question (a)

a). i. Outline Christian teaching, and the teaching of ONE other religion, on wealth and poverty.

Christians believe that wealth in itself is not a bad thing, but choosing a life devoted to money is wrong and selfish. They believe that wealth can sometimes lead a person away from God. Christians believe that if they have wealth, it is a gift from God and must not be taken for granted.  They also believe that it must be acquired legitimately and morally by avoiding exploitation of people for example. These views are based on teachings from the Bible.

In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus tells a parable that at the end of the world, at the day of judgement, the good and bad will be separated as the sheep and goats were separated by the shepherds. Those who do not use their wealth to help Jesus’ brothers aren’t helping Jesus himself, and so will be judged on this.

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus showed that Christians must help anyone who is in trouble using the commandment, “Love thy neighbour.” Christians believe that they must share their wealth with the poor, and according to the New Testament, wealth must be used to help others, especially the poor. All humans are seen as equal in God’s eyes and the good things of the earth have been given to humans by God to use to help each other. So Christians should also be concerned about the poor not just in Britain.

Muslims see wealth as being God given and a commodity to be shared. God commands sharing in the religious pillar of Zakah, it is not an option. Muslims pay Zakah annually of 2.5% of their savings and income above the level needed to keep their family. On the festival of Id ul’fit’r, a special Zakah is paid. Some Muslims also believe in giving to charity on their own accord – paying Sadaqah.  Many Muslims help the poor by granting them interest free loans, as charging interest is banned in Islam.  If the poor find it difficult to repay the loans, then Muslims are encouraged to give more time or to give the money as a gift.  Surah 2:280 states that “If the debtor is in a difficulty, grant him time to repay…but if ye remit it by way of charity, that is best for you.”

        Muslims also help other poor Muslim families and communities. Money is used to help the poor both in Great Britain and abroad. Muslims use charities such as Muslim Aid and Islamic relief, which help Muslims all over the world. This worldwide help helps show the Ummah and how important it is to Muslims. Muslims are also Allah’s kalifahs and must help Allah’s creation by helping people, which are part of Allah’s creation.

a) ii. Explain why there is a need for world development.

        The classification of the countries of the world has changed through the years and now the countries can divided into categories: the developed countries - rich (mainly Western countries), developing countries - countries becoming richer such as Brazil and Mexico, and less developed countries (LDCs) - countries which are very poor and still have people starving in such as Uganda. Other than its moral legitimacy, the major reason for the need for world development is the dependence of countries on each other. However, before looking at the need for development, one must examine the causes of lack of development on a global scale.

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        Wars have often crippled LDCs, stopping or breaking down any preceding development.  Many LDCs are badly affected by wars for example civil wars in Africa over self-determination. Wars destroy crops and homes causing more poverty and create the problem of an influx of refugees from the war ridden countries into surrounding countries.  Refugees provide a major problem for the government and can hinder development as the government is expected to provide for the refugees who will be poor and without food or accommodation.  

        Natural disasters are may also slow the development of a country. This can be seen globally ...

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