Maryam Chaudhery 10W

Mr Straker

Wealth & Poverty

I am going to outline the Christian teachings and the Islamic teachings on if wealth and poverty is a good or bad thing.

I will research on the internet, books etc. I will also have papers to help me with what Christianity and Islam think of wealth and poverty.

Christians believe that wealth can be used for good, such as buying food for the starving, or evil, such as buying weapons for terrorists, so being wealthy is not a bad thing. Many biblical teachings show that if people have the wrong attitude to money, wealth can lead them away from God.

In the parable of the rich fool (Luke 12:13-21) Jesus told a story about a rich farmer who had a splendid harvest and decided to build bigger barns in which to store his extra grains when he had done this he thought to himself ‘ you have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink, and be merry.’ However, that night he died, and had no chance to enjoy his wealth. This story shows that you may have all the money in the world, but this ‘fun’ will stop; it will stop because of your death and you don’t be buried with money but you could give it to people less fortunate than yourself. ‘True happiness is not founding riches or wellbeing, in human fame or power, or in any achievement, but in God alone.’ Catechism of the Catholic Church 1723. This quote is saying that you can only find happiness in God but I think that you cannot find happiness in fame, power or riches etc but happiness is found in achievements, being with family & friends as well as God. Christianity teaches that wealth it self is neither bad nor good, but the way it can be used can be bad. Christians should not see money for its own sake. Christians believe that money is needed to provide a decent standard of living, but Christians must make it honestly and use it fairly.

Christianity teach us that we should feed that hungry and clothe the naked, many modern Christians believe that they can fulfill this duty whilst having wealth themselves in material possession. I don’t think that this is an acceptable Christian practice because they have the wealth themselves while the people outside their door are starving, I think that they should give around £20 to charity every week or every 2 weeks.

        In the parable of the sheep and the goats it teaches us that we ought to do all in our power to help the poor and those in need. Jesus once told a rich man who put money before God to ‘sell everything you have and give to the poor ……. ….you will have treasure in heaven.’ This shows that we all should try and give something to the poor and those in need. The Catholic Church says that, ‘God blesses those who come to the aid of the poor and rebukes those who turn away from them…..’ it has also been said that the Church should concern itself first, and indeed second, with the poor and needy.’ Christians believe that poverty is a bad thing and we should do all I our power to stop it, but the church should always come first.

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Islam’s teaching on wealth and poverty are similar to those of Christianity.

Islam teaches that wealth is something given by God for the benefit of humanity and, therefore, is some thing to be shared.

Islam has always thought that Muslims have a duty to make money to provide for them selves and their families. ‘It is we who portion out between them their livelihood in the life of the world; and we raise some of them above others in rank so that some may command work from others. But the merry of the lord ...

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