What advice would you give to a woman who is planning to become pregnant?

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What advice would you give to a woman who is planning to become pregnant?

If you are planning to become pregnant, there are many points you must first consider, and things you must do, to ensure your baby is healthy.

Firstly you need to make sure you are prepared and capable of looking after a baby. You need enough space not just for a baby, but also for all its toys, clothes and cot etc, and you need to make sure you can afford all the baby’s clothes and food, nappies etc. Babies also completely change your lifestyle; you won’t be able to go out whenever you want, you get an extreme lack of sleep, it could affect your career and will have to stay at home the majority of the time to look after your baby. You should be in a stable relationship, so your child has good role models and a safe environment, and it will help you a lot if you are guaranteed support from your family and friends.

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In addition you have to make sure that you, as a mother, will provide a safe environment whilst the baby is being formed, as well as after. You MUST give up smoking. Chemicals form the cigarette smoke pass to the baby through the placenta, nicotine increases the babies heart rate, and Carbon Monoxide decreases its’ oxygen level, which affects its growth and development. Smoking increases the risk of; premature birth, lower than average birth-rate, miscarriages, still birth, or deaths within the first week, foetal abnormalities and damage to the placenta, your babies lifeline.

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