What Are The Effects Of Catholic Beliefs On Practising Catholics? On A Young Unmarried Woman.

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Laura Smith                        AO2

                What Are The Effects Of Catholic Beliefs On Practising Catholics?

        On A Young Unmarried Woman.

For a young unmarried Catholic, it is expected of them to go into chastity, whether male or female. Chastity means that there should be no sex outside of marriage.

        “All the baptised are called to chastity”

                                Catechism of the Catholic Church (para.2348)

Contraception shouldn’t be issue for an unmarried woman, as she shouldn’t need to use it. Also, abortion isn’t an issue, even if she was raped. If she did become pregnant, she would still have to give birth to the child and then either keep it or give it up for adoption.

        These ‘rules’ for sex and contraception are very hard to stick to in today’s society. Many factors contribute to the woman being led to have sex in today’s society. Peer pressure is one of them especially if she has friends that like to talk about what they do with boys, so she might feel left out if she has nothing to talk about. Also, if she is in a long-term relationship, she might be scared that she would loose her boyfriend if they didn’t have sex. This might be even worse for her if her boyfriend wasn’t Catholic and didn’t understand the moral values of the catholic traditions. The media contribute a great deal to sex in our society, with programmes such as with programmes such as “Sex and the City”, “Sex Tips for Girls” and reality shows such as “Big Brother” promoting sex, so to a girl who is chaste she might feel that she is in the minority. Also, natural desires might contribute to sex, as God gave us natural desires to have sex otherwise we wouldn’t.

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        There are many people that will help people through Chastity. The Catholic Church builds up a strong community of people.

        “Chastity is a moral virtue. It is also a gift from God, a grace, a fruit of spiritual effort. The Holy Spirit enables one whom the waters of baptism has regenerated to imitate the purity of Christ.”

                                Catechism of the Catholic Church (para.2345)

Prayer would also help the girl as she could talk to someone who would listen, and some people say that you might even get a response.


        On A Married Couple with several children who do not ...

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