What Do Christians Believe About The Death Of Jesus?

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What Do Christians Believe About The Death Of Jesus?

Jesus was sent to earth by God. His mission was to bring the people of the world closer to God through preaching and teaching about God. In his short three year ministry opposition stedily grew against him. Mainly it was the Pharisees who opposed Jesus. They disliked his radical teachins, his criticism of their ways especially when he highlighted their hypocrisy. They believed that the best way to deal with this man who claimed to be God was to have him killed.

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Jesus had to die because it was his father's will and Jesus was aware that the Holy Scriptures had to be fulfilled as they had stated that the Son Of Man would be sent to Earth as a Suffering Servent.

In Mark's Gospel we learn that Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with his disciples for the last time and then moves on to the Garden of Gethsemane, taking Peter, James and John with him. Naturally, Jesus wanted his friends close by his side in this time of mental and spiritual suffering. Jesus must have found the thought of ...

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