What do Christians believe about their responsibility for other people?

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What do Christians believe about their responsibility for other people?

I am going to look at references from the bible and find out what the Catholic Church teaches, to find out what Christians believe about their responsibility for other people, not only Christians but also every religious group.

There are a number of stories in the bible about how we should treat our neighbours, the ones I will look at were told by Jesus who uses stories to get across points to the people of the time, who could relate to these stories better. First I will look at Mark 12:31 this states ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is no greater commandment than these.’ Jesus gave his people this commandment and told them that it is one of the greatest and one that should be followed strictly. Jesus also teaches ‘If one of you wants to be great, he must be the servant of the rest.’ These are where Christians are taught in the bible how to love his or her neighbours, Christians interpret this in different ways, different Christians have different priorities, some might put themselves before their neighbour and some put others before themselves. Sometimes our neighbour could be thousands of miles away in another country, but we still are showing charity to him or her by donating money to a cause, which helps people in need far away from modern society. There usually are more people that are needy in other countries so we could send aid in the form of money or gifts. There are people who are also needy in this country we could help them in the same way as we help the poorer countries, but in this countries we could try to set up a hostel for the people to sleep there or some sort of food bar supported by government funding, we can do this in this country but to travel to the poorer parts of the world is quite a feat and is best left to organisations that receive Christian funding, th.

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 The parable of the sheep and goats explains what will happen at the day of judgement, ‘And when the son of man shall come, all the nations will be gathered together before him, and he will separate them one from another, like a Shepard separates sheep and goats, he will say to the people on his right, come ye blessed of my father posses you the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world, for I was hungry and you gave me food, thirsty and you gave me a drink and in prison and you visited me. They ...

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