What does it mean to say that God is 'necessary?'

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What does it mean to say that God is 'necessary?'

Many philosophers and theologians  have provided varying ideas about how to prove the existence of God,

the ontological and Cosmological arguments are two different arguments which attempt to prove that

god is necesary.

The ontological argument, is one of the argument that attempts to prove that God is necessary, The

main component of the Ontological argument can be found in the Anselm’s "Proslogion" which is a short

work that tries to demonstrate both the existence and the nature of God. His main aim in writing the

Proslogion is not to directly prove the existence of God but to moreover, to show the relationship

between faith and reason. The Ontological Argument is a 'priori argument' this means that the

conculsion comes not from the use of reason or proof but if the premises that are put into the

argument are true, then the conclusion must be true. This means that if I know what the definition of

something is, I do not then need a test to determine the truth or falsity of a statement. For example, I

understand what a triangle is, it has three angles that add up to 180 degrees. I do not need any evidence

to prove the truth in the statement a triangle has three angles.

Anselm defined God as: 'that than which nothing greater can be conceived.' This is a valid definition,

for if you are an atheist or a theist then you have some kind of 'intuitive understanding of the concept

of God. God is by definition, 'greater than which can be concieved,'  through this definition, Anslem

attempts to prove that not only does God exist in the mind but also in reality. Anselm uses the example

of "the fool" to prove his point on God’s existence. He says that when "the fool" says that "There is no

God" in Psalms, he must therefore understand what he hears , and what he understands in his intellect

by the term "God". Therefore, if he knows what God is, God must exist as it is impossible to know what

something is if it does not exist.

There are two types of existence, we can concieve things that exist in reality, but we can also concieve

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things that do not. It could be argued that Spiderman exists; if not exactly how we concieve him, it is

logically possible that he could exist. The fact that we are able to concieve such a being who is capable

of performing acts that morals are not, at least points out that there is a possibility that he exisits.

This same argument can also be applied to God, he exists in the mind, as we all have a definition of Him

and it is not logically impossible that He exists in reality. However things that exist ...

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